Deauxquest Oh What A Knight, VCD2, CDX, AXJ, OA, OF, TD Sire: CH OTCH Highmark Mirasol Once A Knight, VCD3, TDX, AXJ, AX, UDX, JH, SDHF Dam: SHR Deauxquest Mavrica Pic, UD, AXJ, AX, JH, WCX, CGC 4/14/03 All clearances available on request
Achievements: Frankie is without question the most fantastic golden I have ever had the privilege to own. She is so very smart, so energetic, so willing to please. No matter what we attempt, she is ready to go. Frankie has been bred twice, to CH Lycinan's Big Bang, JH, CDX and they were eight wonderful puppies in the first litter August 16, 2006. Due to the many requests I had for a repeat breeding, I agreed in 2008. This time, five more wonderful pups were born March 18, 2008.
Frankie earned her TD November 4th, 2007. The TD was the most challenging, yet rewarding, title I ever attempted. Frankie has her CDX in obedience and is currently attempting to earn her UD. Frankie loves agility and had earned her Open Standard, which also earned her the prestigious title of VCD2 and is working on her MXJ in Jumpers. We are currently training for the TDX and having fun in our journey.
Frankie will be earning all future titles on her own -at the Bridge - we tragically lost her January 14, 2009 and the wound is too deep to write more. She was my heart - she was my soul -- she was my once in a lifetime dog and without a doubt --- the best four legged child I have ever had the privilege to love. She will live in my heart forever and I am a lost soul without her.

Pedigree of " Deauxquest Oh What A Knight, VCD2, CDX, AXJ, OA, OF, TD" |
Parents |
GrandParents |
GreatGrandParents |
CH OTCH CT Highmark Mirasol Once A Knight, VCD4, TDX, AXJ, AX, UDX, JH, SDHF
AM/MEX/AMS/WC CH Sheffield-Ducat's Spellbound OS, SDHF |
AM/Can CH Signature's Natural Wonder OS, SDHF, CGC, TT |
CH Ducat's Fortune in Gold CDX, WC, SH, VCX |
Highmarks Pecos River Queen |
Amberac Letz Make A Deal, OS |
Highmark Halley's Comet OD |
SHR Deauxquest Mavrica Pic, UD, AXJ, AX, JH, WCX, CGC
Am CH Quillmark Causing An Uproar, UD, JH, WCX, VCX, OS |
Am CH Mardovar All Starr |
Am Can CH Mardovar's Goin' Magnum Mist CD, OD |
HRCH Morninglo Pic of The Glitter UD, SH, NA WCX |
Am CH Elysian Sky Hi Dubl Exposure UDT MH WCX VCX OS |
OTCH Colabaugh's Morninglo Breeze UDX MH NA WCX CGC OD PAC |